Financial Statements Audit

Financial Statements Audit

The owners of businesses, whether they be institutions, private equity firms, or individuals expect an audit that is robust, of high quality and which delivers value. We understand the precise needs of investors will vary, as will the sectors and markets companies work in, and consequently the risks they face. That’s why each audit we undertake is developed, planned and carried out uniquely for each client.

We understand the entrepreneurial mind-set behind business success-that’s why we are a leading firm on Sri Lankan market-but we are ourselves global, with our network firms located in more than 150 countries and with deep skills in our chosen business sectors. Our size (with global revenues exceeding $7billion) enables us to invest in the best people, and increasingly in the latest technology, to provide real excellence of service.

Trust the guidance of our audit & assurance leaders

COO, Senior Partner - Head of Assurance, Head of A&A Quality Management (HAAQM), Ethics & Independence Leader, Risk Management Partner, FAO

Sasanka Rathnaweera

COO, Senior Partner
Head of Assurance, Head of A&A Quality Management (HAAQM), Ethics & Independence Leader, Risk Management Partner, FAO
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Nirosha Vadivel - Partner - Audit and Assurances

Nirosha Vadivel

Partner - Audit and Assurances
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Partner - Audit and Assurance

Chamika Wijesinghe

Partner - Audit and Assurance
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Partner - Audit and Assurance

Thilina Ranaweera

Partner - Audit and Assurance
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