Partner - Audit and Assurance

Chamika Wijesinghe

Partner - Audit and Assurance

Financial Statements Audit | Special Purpose Auditing | Financial Reporting Advisory

Executive Summary

Chamika  is a partner in the Audit and Assurance division of our firm, and  altogether she carries more than 12 years of professional experience and of which more than 08 years are post qualification experience in the field of auditing, accounting and financial reporting. She served as a director in the Audit and Assurance division prior to becoming a partner. She also serves as the  Ethics and Independence leader  of the firm.

She is fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and holds a Bachelor of Business Administrative  Accounting (Special) from the University of Colombo. Her knowledge as a Chartered Accountant helps her as a member of our audit team to provide audit and assurance services to our clients.

She has worked for KPMG Sri Lanka and PwC Sri Lanka as a manger where she has served to a diversified range of Audit and Assurance clients in the industries such as Finance, Tea Brokering, Manufacturing, Leisure, Insurance, Construction and real state and Services etc.  She has also got engaged in non-assurance engagements of local clients. She has worked for Accounting Advisory Services division of KPMG Sri Lanka as senior consultant, where she had provided services such as preparation of complex consolidated financial statements for Listed and Unlisted Group of Companies in accordance with IFRS and involvement in IFRS convergence projects including implementation of IFRS 9, 15 and 16 for Finance and larger non-financial Group of Companies.

Areas of Expertise

  • Statutory audits
  • Accounting advisory
  • Risk Management
  • Internal Control and Corporate governance


Qualifications and Certifications

  • FCA
  • BBA(Accounting)