
Our tax professionals deliver a wide range of fully integrated tax services to clients around the world

Why BDO Tax?

Our tax team is focused on providing effective tax solutions to our clients to help them achieve their commercial objectives. At BDO Tax we provide unparalleled service backed by years of experience and knowledge on how to navigate the complex tax landscape in Sri Lanka.

We offer practical, business-based perspectives to assist our clients in implementing and adapting to ever changing revenue statutes. Our people are always ready to assist you in complying with the numerous taxes that affect your business. Our strength is that we have insight to industry practices across different sectors which will ensure that we provide you with the best solution.

At BDO Tax, we focus on our client’s needs. That is why we pay attention to optimizing tax costs while also responding to regulatory expectations in a proactive manner. We are continuously in dialogue with the policy makers, the revenue authorities and professional and accounting bodies to influence tax policies in our country. We are conscious of the fact that taxation impacts you and your business every day.

Taxation is a global phenomenon which applies to all persons and businesses across the world. We keep close ties with our counter parts in other member firms in other countries to stay abreast with developments all around the world. We have access to over 500 member firms, and we are continuously working to meet the demands of our clients on a global platform. All of us have one objective – providing exceptional client service.

Trust the guidance of experienced tax professionals

Sujeewa Rajapakse - Managing Partner

Sujeewa Rajapakse

Managing Partner
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Sarah Afker - Partner - Tax Services

Sarah Afker

Partner - Tax Services
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Dinusha Rajapakse - Partner - Tax Services

Dinusha Rajapakse

Partner - Tax Services
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